Social media helps people to be in contact with others without being physically close. It creates isolation in the majority of adolescents who are addict to it. Turkle said that the online social world was destroying real communication, dumbing down society, and leading to a society of people that had no idea how to actually function in the real world. Youth now can be in a crowd without communicating with each other, without knowing what is happening around them because they are physically there, but not mentally; as a result teenagers can experiment loneliness even if they are surrounded by people (friends and family) because they have no interaction between them. That happens if they let the social media consumes their life, if not they will enjoy life and spend grateful time with the loved ones; some may say that it will only happen if teens permit it, but social media creators are working to make it more attractive so many people can fall. In conclusion try to check it only when it’s necessary that way you prevent the loneliness that this will attract.
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